Seasons of Self

Falling into place workshop

75 minute virtual workshop

September 24th 12pm est

Are you ready to stop feeling stuck in outdated structures and instead flow with your natural energy rhythms? 

As the seasons shift, so does our personal energy, and fall is the perfect time to recalibrate. 

Seasons of Self: Falling into Place is designed for those seeking balance, clarity, and freedom from rigidity as they pursue long-term success in their personal and professional lives.

If you already have your Seasons of Self guide or had a reading, make sure to use code SEASONS at checkout for $25 off! 

workshop deets

We’ll explore the astrological themes of Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius seasons, helping you harmonize with the often-overlooked elemental energies of fall. 

Through my Seasons of Self framework, we’ll take a deep dive into your personal energy cycles, enabling you to move from knowing your seasons to embodying them. 

You'll leave with a practical understanding of how to create flexible, yet aligned intentions and goals that respect your natural rhythms.

Now is 
your time

Allow me to intuitively guide you through this process. My goal is to help you connect with your unique energetic cycles while moving beyond self-doubt, overworking, and rigid structures. 

This workshop is designed for those seeking innovative yet grounded ways to reclaim their vitality, find balance between discipline and enjoyment, and embody their personal seasons.

You’ll also receive the all new Seasons of Self Guide, designed to help you track and understand your unique energy flow throughout the year. 

By the end of this workshop, you’ll feel more connected to your natural rhythms, empowered to plan according to your energy, and equipped with the tools to reclaim your vitality.

Your astrology chart serves as the map for this dynamic workshop and gives you the unique  ability to self-author your life, releasing old paradigms of control and stepping into confidence, self-trust, and purpose.

You'll learn: 


Astrological insights

into Libra’s balance, Scorpio’s depth, and Sagittarius’s expansive vision—and how they impact your personal fall season


Learn to balance elemental energy

often missing in traditional fall cycles, helping you feel more grounded and clear-headed.



designed for every energetic season (Sow, Tend, Harvest, Vision) to help you navigate your personal season this fall.


personalized action steps

that honor your energy patterns and allow you to align your goals with your rhythms, so you can stop pushing through resistance and start moving with ease.

Embody your personal seasons

september 24th 12pm est

Join me for
a cosmic seasons of self workshop


*This includes your personalized 14 page Seasons of Self Guidebook. If you already have this and know your astrological seasons, use code SEASONS for $25 off! 


I can't make it live, will there be a recording

You know it. I will send out a recording to all participants within 48 hours of the live session.


Nope! The beauty of this workshop is that I'm going to review your birth chart and provide you with personal insight via email before our live session. I'll also walk you through it step-by-step in the live workshop. 

do I need my exact birth time?

Ideally, you will provide me with your full date of birth, exact time and location. If you have a general window of time we can work with this too, please note this in a reply to your confirmation email.

does this workshop include the guide?

Yes! The Seasons of Self guide and energetic report is part of this workshop. If you already have yours or have had a reading, please use code SEASONS at checkout to save $25! 

What if my life doesn't match my personal seasons?

This is exactly why I designed this workshop and why I teach people how to honor their needs and nurture themselves in all seasons. Life doesn't always align and we cannot control that, but we can control how we show up and meet our needs.

Is this part of the noticing experiment?

The noticing experiment is a five day-long free experience available at any time on my website. You are welcomed and encouraged to participate in both. Noticing is a key practice in understanding our seasons of self.

kind words from seasons of self lovers

"Seasons of self gave me that aha moment you talked about, where I realized my personal seasons are slightly before the actual seasons and then gave me tools how to leverage that and make the most of it!"


"Seasons of Self was such a gift and has become a tool for me to better understand my annual rhythms. While I know my annual flow I judged myself and was shocked that they continued to repeat. I was under the impression that I needed to work out some trauma and therapize myself until I was "fixed". Turns out I wasn't honoring my personal seasons and giving myself what I needed. Now I better understand the ebbs and flows based on your framework. I cannot thank you enough. I've been able to reset my expectation or my energies, which in turn has let me off a hook I had no idea I kept myself on."

"What struck me most was the uncanny accuracy with which this framework aligned with my past experiences. It was as if Nicole had unlocked a hidden code to my psyche, revealing patterns I had only vaguely sensed before."

“I was blown away when Nicole shared my Seasons of Self with me! I couldn’t believe how accurate it was! I feel so validated and affirmed in the energetic ebbs and flows that have always been present for me, and I now have a concrete way to conceptualize and articulate them for myself and to others. I even have more clarity around how I’d like to align the design and structure of my business to my personal seasons. This insight is a game-changer!”

"When I understood that there was nothing wrong with me, and it was okay to not feel like “wow, Spring time, so refreshing, rebirth, so fresh, let’s go”. I gained a new perspective.

I feel more… confident, you know? I feel that indeed, it’s all working out perfectly, all in Divine Timing.”

your guide

Nicole Doyle

The intersection of nature and astrology is a place I could sit forever. I am a strong advocate of honoring your needs, no matter what season you are in.

There was a time in my life where I just went with the flow of what was presented to me, reacting to things that popped up like whack-a-mole.

I didn't understand that I could break this cycle until it became nearly unbearable. Stuck in a perpetual state of functional freeze, I was done waiting to live my life and enjoy it for “one day when”. I help my clients tend to the gardens of their lives by understanding their inner and outer landscapes so they can create new experiences through inner inquiry and experimentation. 

Tend to the garden of your life. Your soul didn't come here to suffer, you came here to bloom. 

I'd be honored to help you remember how.